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Childcare Training by Topic

Infants | Toddlers | Preschoolers | School-Age Children
Introductory Courses | For Directors and Administrators
Child Development | Communication | Community | Curriculum
Health & Safety | Professionalism | Social-Emotional Dev. | Special Needs


Please note: these topics may not correspond with topics as they are defined by your state or area. If your state has particular knowledge area, competency, or topic requirements, please choose your state's information page by clicking to view courses and information for your state.

Care Courses Training

The Care Courses School (we usually go by just "Care Courses") has been a distance learning school specifically for early childhood professionals since 1990. We offer excellent, convenient, and affordable distance-learning courses in online and book formats with unlimited support. Learn more about our training process and course formats today!

What our students say

I love Care Courses! I have been working to get my CDA and love that I can do it as fast or slow as I want. Everyone I talk to is always so nice and helpful. I will be taking more courses when I am done with these at the end of this month. Thank you!
  - Fruitport, Michigan
"I absolutely loved taking this online class [Toddlers in Child Care] and will be taking many more. I loved that I could read and take quizzes on my own time and I didn't have to drive anywhere."
  - West Lafayette, Indiana
I just love your courses. I enjoy the fact that I can take your courses on my time, and save my place and test online."
  - Delta, Colorado