Care Courses Child Care Training


The Care Courses School Student Honor Code & Study Policy

Honor code policy

We require that all of our students adhere to our honor code and policy. Every course includes our honor code and policy below and it must be agreed to for each course completed.

All coursework for a course must be done by the individual student whose name is on their personal online account or course submission.

The Care Courses School Honor Code and Study Policy

Care Courses requires that the student taking a course complete all coursework and that all coursework, including quizzes and assessments, is completed solely by the student who submits the course for grading. Furthermore, Care Courses requires that the student study and comprehend all the material in the course before completing the assessments. This includes reading the material, taking notes, completing no more than eight hours of coursework each day, and contacting a Care Courses trainer for assistance when needed. Care Courses requires that students show respect in all communication with our staff and other students.

Care Courses cannot grade coursework or issue a certificate of completion for a course unless the student has agreed to and acknowledged agreement certifying that the student has adhered to this Honor Code and Study Policy.

Care Courses reserves the right to investigate and require further documentation from the student to determine whether quiz or assessment answers are the student's own work. In the event Care Courses in its sole discretion determines that the coursework is not the student's own work, no certificate of completion will be issued, and other remedial action may be taken.